“The First Vision,” Friend, Jan. 2001, 32
The First Vision
A Shoe-Box Panorama
To make this panorama, you will need: a shoe box, scissors, lightweight cardboard, and glue.
Cut out the background scenery and glue it to the inside bottom of the shoe box. Then turn the shoe box on its side so that the scene is upright (see illustration).
Glue the trees, the Joseph Smith figure, and the beam of light with Heavenly Beings to the cardboard. Let the glue dry, then cut out all the figures.
Fold the tree tabs backward on the broken lines, put glue on the front (picture side) of each tab, and glue the tabs in the box (see illustration).
Fold the Joseph Smith figure tabs back so they can’t be seen from the front.
Make a slit—ask an adult to do this—the width of the beam of light in the top side of the shoe box near the back (see illustration).
Using the panorama as a visual aid, tell the story of the First Vision in family home evening. (Or ask a parent to read Joseph Smith—History 1:14–17.) When Joseph Smith prays, put his figure between the trees. When Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appear, slide the beam of light down through the slit on the top.

Illustrated by Julie F. Young