Guide to the Friend
October 2001

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Oct. 2001, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magaazine] pages mentioned in the Family Home Evening Ideas. The Primary theme for October is “What specific direction has the prophet given us during this general conference?”

Family Home Evening Ideas

  1. Read President Thomas S. Monson’s message “Happy Homes” (pages 2–3). Together think of a way your family can serve someone in need. Plan to do it this week.

  2. Ask two different family members to tell the stories “Call from the Prophet” (pages 4–6) and “Brothers and Sisters in the Gospel” (pages 14–16). Make two lists—the blessings that come to a missionary and his family as he serves, and the blessings that come to the people he teaches.

  3. 3. Read the counsel about general conference in “From Latter-day Prophets: Harold B. Lee” (page 17). Make a copy of “Sustaining the Prophet” (pages 24–25) for all family members. Invite them to follow the instructions and use the activity to help them listen to conference. Ask a family member to read or recite the poem “General Conference” (page 20).

  4. Read President Gordon B. Hinckley’s statement (page 32), and then tell the story “Micah’s Understanding Heart” (pages 30–32). Ask family members to share times when they have been kind to someone else. As a family, think of ways you can encourage others to not be unkind.

  5. Together learn the song “I Heard the Prophet” (page 7). Go over some of the things President Hinckley has taught us in recent conferences, “President Hinckley Shows Us the Way” (pages 34–35). Make the door-hanger reminder and hang it in a prominent place.

  6. Make some “No-Bake Bat Cookies” (page 33) for refreshments.
