November 2001

“Childviews,” Friend, Nov. 2001, inside front cover


My Priesthood Blessing

One day when I was three years old, my family had a lot of people from Church over for a picnic. I watched some of the other children play croquet. One of the boys told me to scoot back, but I didn’t scoot far enough. The boy swung with his heavy mallet and accidentally hit me on the side of the head. I screamed. My dad picked me up, took me inside, and set me on my mom’s lap. He called some of the men inside to give me a priesthood blessing. About fifteen minutes after the blessing, the dent in my head went away, leaving just a few bruises. I know that blessings really help, because if I hadn’t had that blessing, I really could have been hurt.

Sarah Cain, age 9
Belle Fourche, South Dakota

Prayer Helps

One afternoon, I had a math quiz. I had studied for it, but I had forgotten to ask Heavenly Father to help me do my best. I was nervous and wanted to have more than a silent prayer at my desk before I took the test. I asked the teacher if I could go to the rest room. Then I left class and said a prayer. When I got back to the classroom, I felt very calm.

The next day, the teacher gave our quizzes back, and I had done well. I know that prayer helps. When we do our best and then ask for His help, the Lord blesses us.

Francisco Javier Loaiza Vergara, age 10
Puerto Varas, Chile

Jaguar Games

I like sports a lot, especially football. I was very excited when Jacksonville, Florida, got a professional football team, the Jaguars. Each time the players signed autographs, I asked my parents to please take me to see the players. I began collecting cards and knew all the players’ statistics.

When the games began, I was offered many really, really good seats to their games for free. But they were always on Sunday! One day, I asked Mom if I could go to a free game on a Sunday. She said that it was up to me. I needed to pray about it.

I remembered all the happy feelings that I’d had when I went to baptisms in our ward. My dad was ward mission leader, and we went to many baptisms. Each time I went, I was very happy and could hardly wait for my own baptism and then to be given the gift of the Holy Ghost.

When I prayed about going to the Sunday game, I felt so much happiness and peace because I could tell my mom that I didn’t want to go to that game.

Not long after that, I was given tickets to a game that wasn’t on Sunday. Dad took me, and we had a great time, especially when the Jaguars won. I am baptized now, and I know that by keeping my baptism covenant, I will always have peace and happiness in my life.

Hannah Mandel, age 10
Orange Park, Florida
