Guide to the Friend
November 2001

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Nov. 2001, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned in Family Home Evening Ideas. The Primary theme for November is “Prophets prophesy of things to come.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

  1. Read “Honesty—A Moral Compass” by President James E. Faust (pages 2–3). If you were Bobby Polacio, would it have been hard for you to tell the truth? Think of times when you have been honest even though it was difficult. How did you feel?

  2. Tell the story “A Challenge Just for You” (pages 4–6). Talk about Tyler’s courage. What are some of the ways you can courageously share your testimony during the week?

  3. Invite a family member to read “Book Buddies” (pages 27–29). Then read President Hinckley’s statement (sidebar, page 29); talk about how to follow his suggestions to be kinder and more neighborly, to follow the teachings of the Savior.

  4. Using the pictures, tell the experiences in “Howard W. Hunter Learns to Work” (pages 40–41). Plan a family project in which you can work together in the coming week—plant a garden, shovel a neighbor’s walk, rake some leaves, clean out the garage, etc.

  5. Find a piece of paper for each family member and ask each to write his or her name at the top. Tell the story “Blessings Everywhere” (pages 14–17). Ask family members to write down the blessings that they are aware of for the next twenty-four hours. The next night at family prayer, share your lists and be sure to offer thanks to the Lord.
