September 2002

“Childviews,” Friend, Sept. 2002, inside front cover


Money for Sky Ranch

Every year, fifth-graders at my school can go to a camp called Sky Ranch. They sleep in cabins, swim, and learn about the outdoors. My parents didn’t have enough money for me to go, but they said they’d help me earn it.

The Fourth of July was coming up, so we decided to make some cute Uncle Sam flag holders. We figured out how much money we needed to buy the materials and still have enough money for me to go to camp. We needed to buy flags, wood, and paint to make fifteen holders.

Dad bought and cut the wood. Mom and I painted the holders. When we were finished, Dad and I started to sell them. We sold seven that Saturday. At Sunday dinner, Grandpa asked, “What about paying your tithing?” I had forgotten about tithing!

We decided to raise the price of the flag holders, but we only sold one, so we knew we had to lower the price again to what it was and find another way to earn the money I still needed. Mom said that we had to pay the tithing first and that the Lord would bless us for it.

On the last Saturday before the Fourth of July, we sold all but two flag holders. Then a man came up and bought those two. Upon learning why we were selling them, he gave me an extra twenty dollars!

I am very excited about going to Sky Ranch, but I’m even more excited about learning that the Lord will bless you when you pay your tithing first.

Melissa McKenna, age 10
Allen, Texas

A Great Lesson

My friends and I rode our bikes down the dirt hill in my backyard every day but Sunday. But one Sunday, I rode my bike down the dirt hill. I didn’t have my helmet on. I hit a rock, causing me to wreck and almost knocking me out. I felt awful inside and out for what I had done.

When my parents found out what had happened, we all prayed together. Soon I felt better. I learned a great lesson in keeping the Sabbath Day holy, obeying my parents, and realizing that Heavenly Father is watching over me. He gives me a warm, soft feeling when I do something right. But when I do something wrong, He gives me a prickly, cold feeling. He can help with any problem and always answers prayers.

Jake Barker, age 7
Sparks, Nevada

Mansions in Heaven

My mother told my brother and me that if we always do what is right, and repent of our sins, we will have a mansion in heaven. I told my mom, “I know that President Gordon B. Hinckley will have a huge, huge house!”

Danene Julian, age 7
Price, Utah
