Tithing and Other Offerings
September 2002

“Tithing and Other Offerings,” Friend, Sept. 2002, 27

Tithing and Other Offerings

Chelsea’s grandparents gave her some money for her birthday. Her mother and I encouraged her to begin a savings account, and we explained that first she should pay tithing on the money.

When she started to fill out the tithing slip, she asked about the other offerings mentioned on it. Her mother explained each one. Then Chelsea decided that after paying for a few other things, she had enough left over to put two dollars in each of the other offerings. Because of the tragedy in New York City, New York, last year in September, she wrote “New York” in the “Other” column. This tremendous example of trying to help others touched our hearts. We thank Heavenly Father for sending such a sweet child to our family.

Chelsea Lynn Thompson, age 7, Oregon City, Oregon

Photo by Matt Reier
