“Answer to Prayer,” Friend, Feb. 2003, 18–19
Answer to Prayer
See Friend, March 1972, 34–35

Illustrated by Mike Eagle
Ten-year-old John Taylor took a basket of food to Mr. Allee West, an old family friend, who lived three miles from the Taylor home in Milnthorpe, England.
Mr. West: Johnny, it’s good to see you again.
John: Here. My mother sent you these.
John enjoyed visiting with Mr. West, but when dark clouds started to come, he realized he needed to leave.
John: Mr. West, it’s getting dark. I need to be getting home.
Mr. West: Johnny, let me walk you home.
John: This is my first trip here by myself, and my mother won’t let me come alone again if you do.
John started down the hill toward home. Soon thick fog started rolling in.
John: This lamp won’t light.
The fog thickened and closed in around him. Soon he came to a big iron fence, and he heard a dog growling. He was lost.
John: The path ends here! What’s that noise?
He was very scared. He remembered something his mother had taught him.
John: Mother said that I can pray anywhere at any time.
As he prayed, his fear left him.
Mr. West: Johnny! Johnny!
Mr. West had decided to follow young John to make sure he arrived home safely.
Mr. West: Johnny, I’ve come to take you home.
John: God did answer my prayer!
John Taylor later became the third President of the Church. He never forgot the answer to prayer he received as a young boy, and he prayed diligently all his life.