“New Testament 1-2-3,” Friend, Apr. 2003, 26
New Testament 1-2-3
Use the scripture references to help you fill in the blanks with the correct words.
Jesus Christ taught that if a man had 100 _______________ and one was lost, he should “leave the ninety and nine” to look for the lost one. (See Matt. 18:12.)
Lazarus, whom Jesus Christ raised from the dead, had two sisters, _______________ and _______________ . (See John 11:1–45.)
The Wise Men from the east brought young Jesus three gifts: ______________ , _______________ , and ___________________ . (See Matt. 2:1, 11.)
In the parable of the ______________ , the ______________ fall on four kinds of soil: by the wayside, on stony places, among thorns, and on good ground. (See Matt. 13:3–8, heading.)
With five ______________ and two ______________ , Jesus Christ miraculously fed 5,000 people. (See Matt. 14:15–21.)
The Savior died about the sixth hour of the day; the ______________ was darkened and the veil of the ______________ was rent (torn). (See Luke 23:44–45.)
After the Savior’s death, the Apostles appointed seven men of _____________ _____________ , who were full of the _____________ ______________ and _______________ , to help them. (See Acts 6:3.)
On the eighth day after his birth, Zacharias and Elisabeth named their son ____________ . (See Luke 1:59–63.)
Jesus Christ healed 10 _______________ , but only one returned to express his gratitude. (See Luke 17:12–19.)
In the parable of the 10 virgins, the five foolish virgins were unprepared and had no ____________ in their _______________ . (See Matt. 25:1–13.)
Rescue of the Lost Lamb by Minerva K. Teichert