Sharing Time: Thou Art the Christ
April 2003

“Sharing Time: Thou Art the Christ,” Friend, Apr. 2003, 34

Sharing Time:

Thou Art the Christ

Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matt. 16:16).

Who is Jesus Christ? People of many faiths know that He lived over 2,000 years ago. Many believe only that He was a great teacher who preached about loving and serving one another. But there is more.

Who is Jesus Christ? Christians, including the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, know that He performed many miracles. He fed the multitude with five loaves of bread and two fishes, healed the sick, caused the blind to see, and raised the dead. But there is more.

Who is Jesus Christ? He asked the Apostles, “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?

“And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.

“He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?

“And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matt. 16:13–16.)

Who is Jesus Christ? He is the Son of God. Heavenly Father sent Him to organize His church, teach the gospel, suffer and die for our sins, and be resurrected.

Where is He now? While translating a portion of the Bible, the Prophet Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon had a vision. They proclaimed: “He lives! For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father.” (D&C 76:22–23.)

Who is Jesus Christ? He is our Savior and our Redeemer. He lives today and guides His Church through a living prophet. If we choose the right and ask Heavenly Father in prayer, we can know for ourselves, through the witness of the Holy Ghost, that He is Heavenly Father’s Son and that He died to save us from our sins. That is why we call Him our Savior.

Diorama of Jesus Christ Talking with Children

  1. Mount page 35 on heavy paper.

  2. Cut out the figures, the stones, and the diorama; then cut along the long heavy line on the diorama.

  3. Fold along the broken line, and glue the blank section underneath the bottom of the diorama (see illustration).

  4. Cut slits on the short heavy lines; insert the tabs for the figures into the slits, and fold them so the figures will stand.

  5. Locate and read the scriptures on the stones, and add the stones to the diorama.


Illustrated by Steve Kropp

Matt. 1:21

John 11:25

1 Cor. 15:20

Mosiah 3:17

3 Ne. 11:8–10

JS—H 1:11, 15–17

D&C 101:32

D&C 110:1–4

Sharing Time Ideas

(Note: All songs are from Children’s Songbook (CS) unless otherwise indicated; GAK = Gospel Art Kit; TNGC = Teaching, No Greater Call)

1. On separate pieces of paper, write the following scripture references but not the subject matter shown in parentheses: Moses 6:64–66 (Adam is baptized); Matt. 3:13–17 (Jesus Christ is baptized); Acts 2:1, 38, 41 (Day of Pentecost—3,000 people are baptized); Mosiah 18:14–17 (Alma baptizes in the waters of Mormon); JS—H 1:68–72 (Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery are baptized).

Divide the Primary into five groups, give each group a reference slip, and have them read it and form a discussion panel. Have the rest of the Primary ask each panel questions about the scripture, such as “Who was baptized?” “Where did this take place?” “How did the people feel when they heard the teachings?” “How would baptism help the people?” “How were those baptisms like your own baptism?” (With proper authority, by immersion, with the names being added to Church records, with Heavenly Father being pleased at the action, etc.)

Sing songs from the CS about baptism, and testify of the blessings you received because of your baptism.

2. Help the children strengthen their testimonies of Jesus Christ by having them imagine that they lived during the Savior’s time and witnessed some of the events in His life. Before Primary, locate and hide in the room, or place with the backs facing the children, pictures such as the following from GAK: •213 / Jesus Healing the Blind •214 / Stilling the Storm •215 / Jesus Blessing Jairus’s Daughter •216 / Christ and the Children •222 / Jesus Raising Lazarus from the Dead •223 / Triumphal Entry •225 / The Last Supper •227 / Jesus Praying in Gethsemane •230 / The Crucifixion •233 / Mary and the Resurrected Lord •236 / The Ascension of Jesus •243 / Christ Walking on the Water.

Also write the titles of appropriate songs on slips of paper and hide them in the room. Songs might include “He Sent His Son” (pp. 34–35); “Beautiful Savior” (pp. 62–63); “Easter Hosanna” (pp. 68–69); “Jesus Has Risen” (p. 70); “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (pp. 74–75); “This Is My Beloved Son” (p. 76); “The Sacred Grove” (p. 87).

Invite a child to locate or choose a picture or a song title. If it is a song, have the child help the music leader direct it. If it is a picture, have the child post it and imagine he or she was one of the people in the picture with the Savior or someone who was witnessing the event from “out of camera range.” Using a simple prop as a microphone, interview the child-witness. Ask questions like “Can you describe what you saw?” “How was it possible for Jesus to do this?” “How did you feel when you saw Him do this?” “What difference does this make in your life?”

Share the testimony borne by Peter in Matt. 16:16, and add your testimony about the divinity of Jesus Christ.

For younger children: Post on the chalkboard some of the pictures listed above. Have the children help retell the stories depicted. Sing Easter songs, Christmas carols, or other songs the children know about the Savior. Give them each a piece of paper and crayons or pencils. Have them imagine that they were at one of the events they reviewed and then draw themselves as if they were there. What would they see? What expression would they have on their faces? Encourage them to share their pictures and the story of Jesus Christ with their families.

3. Help the children learn Article of Faith 1:4. Before Primary, write a part of it on each of the six sides of a small, sturdy box with all sides the same size. Make a box for each group (see below). On side 1, you might write “The Fourth Article of Faith”; on side 2, “We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are:” on side 3, “first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ;” on side 4, “second, Repentance;” on side 5, “third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins;” on side 6, “fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.” NOTE: To use the boxes for other Articles of Faith, cover each side with a clear plastic sleeve and slip the written parts of the article into the sleeve.

Review the gospel principles and ordinances throughout the month by having the children sing songs such as “Faith” (pp. 96–97), “Nephi’s Courage” (pp. 120–121), “Repentance” (p. 98), “Help Me, Dear Father” (p. 99), “I Like My Birthdays” (p. 104), “Baptism” (pp. 100–101), “The Holy Ghost” (p. 105), “The Fourth Article of Faith” (p. 124).

Divide the Primary into groups. Give each group a prepared box and a piece of paper and a pencil. Have the children in each group take turns lightly tossing the box and reading aloud what is written on the top side. They should try to roll each side in order. As soon as they have rolled the box so that side 1 is on top, a child writes “The Fourth Article of Faith” at the top of the paper. Repeat the process until all the sides, in order, have landed on top of the box and the article has been written completely and correctly. As soon as the group has finished, they raise their hands and declare, “We believe.” They then try to memorize the article before the last group finishes. When all groups have finished, have the Primary stand and repeat Article of Faith 1:4 together.

Encourage the children to repeat the article to a family member or Primary leader at a later time.

4. Divide the Primary into groups and have each group locate and read one of the following stories: •Matt. 25:1–13 (parable of the 10 Virgins) •Luke 15:11–32 (parable of the Prodigal Son) •Luke 17:11–19 (the 10 Lepers) •Luke 10:25–37 (parable of the Good Samaritan) •Matt. 7:24–27 (parable of the Wise Man and the Foolish Man).

Using simple props or name tags, have each group dramatize its story. Remember that “the Savior should not be portrayed by children in dramatization except in a nativity scene” (Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 2: Priesthood and Auxiliary Leaders, 279). At the conclusion of the story, have the group introduce the characters. Ask the rest of the Primary children to indicate whether or not the character made a good choice by having each child smile or frown or hold up a card with a smile on one side and a frown on the other, or use other culturally appropriate actions. Discuss what the character could have done to make better choices. Have the group tell how the story applies to the children’s lives and how they can make correct choices daily.

Between stories, sing songs such as “Choose the Right Way” (pp. 160–161), “I Will Follow God’s Plan” (pp. 164–165), “Nephi’s Courage” (pp. 120–121), “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” (pp. 78–79), “Dare to Do Right” (p. 158). Challenge the children to choose the right during the week.

5. Song presentation: Several weeks before you teach “Easter Hosanna” (pp. 68–69), help an older child or adult leader learn the verses and invite them to Primary the week you teach the song.

Teach the Primary children the chorus first. Use GAK 223, Triumphal Entry, to tell when the people cried “Hosanna” as the Savior entered the city. Use GAK 316, Jesus Teaching in the Western Hemisphere, to help the children understand that people in the Western world also rejoiced when the Savior came to them. Have the children read 3 Ne. 11:15–17 aloud. As you sing the chorus of “Easter Hosanna,” have the children touch their ears when they hear “Hosanna.” Ask what they noticed about the words (they are repeated). Ask them to listen again and touch their ears when they hear what is different in the repeated line (the melody and rhythm are different for “of the Most High God”).

Have the children listen as the older child or adult sings the verses that tell the story of Jesus Christ’s appearance to the Nephites. Have the entire Primary join in singing the chorus.

To help the entire Primary learn the melody, on the chalkboard, draw horizontal dashes to represent note placement (see TNGC, 174). For example, “The prophecies of long” looks like ascending steps, and “ago were now at” looks like descending steps. Draw dashes for the first two lines of the melody.

Invite the soloist to sing the first line, and have the children move their hands held horizontally to follow the direction of the dashes on the chalkboard. This is called pitch-level conducting. Invite all of the children to sing that line. Repeat this process with the second line. Point out that the melody is exactly the same for the two lines. Have the children sing the second line, then the first two lines. Repeat this entire process for the complete verse.

To provide a challenge for older children, invite an older class to sing the chorus at the same time the rest of the Primary sings the verses. They will need to pause before repeating the second “Hosanna” in order to come in with the second line at the right time.

6. Additional Friend resources: “Why I Believe in Jesus Christ,” Mar. 2002, 4–6; “The Living Christ,” Jan. 2002, 28; “The Faith of a Sparrow,” July 2000, IFC; “Fear in the Night,” May 2000, 2–4; “One of God’s Greatest Gifts,” June 2000, 43–45; “A Sacred Promise,” Mar. 2000, 12–14; “Savior and Redeemer,” Apr. 1999, 12–13, 26; “The Holy Ghost Can Help Me,” July 1997, 36–38; “Baptism: My First Covenant,” May 1997, 12–13.
