My Greatest Hero
June 2003

“My Greatest Hero,” Friend, June 2003, 48

My Greatest Hero

I’d like to be a warrior like the Nephites brave and true,

Putting all my trust in God, knowing what to do.

I’d like to be a king someday, a leader among men—

One who loves to preach of God like King Benjamin.

I’d like to be a captain of an army. You ask why?

There weren’t many as valiant as Captain Moroni.

A prophet, too, I’d like to be, defending truth and right,

Obeying God’s commandments like Samuel the Lamanite.

A hero like my father I’d someday like to be.

I’d also like to share the gospel as a missionary.

I’d like to be a lot of things—I know that sounds quite odd.

But as for now, I think I’ll stay a valiant child of God.

For Jesus is my greatest hero, and I can hear Him say,

“My child, you can be all these things by loving Me each day.”

Christ’s Image by Heinrich Hofmann; King Benjamin by Gary L. Kapp; Captain Moroni by Arnold Friberg; Samuel the Lamanite by Arnold Friberg

Photos by Wes Taylor
