Guide to the Friend
September 2003

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Sept. 2003, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned in the Family Home Evening Ideas. The Primary theme for September is “I’ll do what is right.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

  1. Play “All Over the World: A Matching Game” (pages 24–25). When you are finished, find your country on the map. Then ask your parents to tell you about your family’s heritage. Did your ancestors come from a country different from the one where you live? If so, find that country on the map as well. Resolve to pray every day that the Church will continue to grow throughout the world and that you will be helped to do your part in this growth.

  2. Tell the story of Elder Robert R. Steuer from the Friend to Friend section (pages 8–9). Point out how his friends and others in the wards where he lived helped him to grow in Church activity and in his understanding of the gospel. Talk about how each of you can help one another or a neighbor or friend do the same thing.

  3. Using the pictures, tell “From the Life of President John Taylor: With the Prophet Joseph in Carthage Jail” (pages 38–39). These men were willing to give up their lives, if necessary, for the gospel of Jesus Christ. In your own way, you too can make sacrifices large and small to serve Heavenly Father each day. Talk about what those sacrifices might be, and resolve together to be examples of truth.

  4. Ask a brother or sister to learn and present the poem “Choose Today” (page 19). Then tell the story “The Note” (pages 4–6). What good choices did Tyler make? What did his friends do as a result? Make a copy of the Funstuf activity “Choose the Right” (page 26) for each family member. After everyone has completed the puzzle, read the answer aloud together.

  5. Tell the story “The Silo” (pages 30–33). Talk about the examples of obedience in this story—Mother listened to the promptings of the Spirit, and Lance and Mike listened to Mother’s counsel. As a result, they were blessed. Read “Drugs Are Bad for You!” in the Trying to Be Like Jesus section (page 45). How might Paul be blessed for saying no to drugs? Resolve to obey the commandments. Make “Peanut Butter Dip” (page 22) and serve it with vegetables for refreshments.
