Giving Emily My Candy
September 2003

“Giving Emily My Candy,” Friend, Sept. 2003, 45

Giving Emily My Candy

Our cleanup person at school wanted to give us a treat for being nice. She put little bags of candies in our mailboxes (where we put our things to take home). Our teacher, Mrs. Richardson, showed us how to reach all the way to the back to make sure that we have all of our papers and things.

When Emily reached all the way back, she couldn’t find any candy, and she was sad. She told everyone that she didn’t have any candy, but no one else shared. I said, “I’ll give you my candy.”

She said, “Thank you.”

I felt good inside because I did the right thing. Mrs. Richardson told my mom what I did, because she thought it was really nice. My mom was very happy to know that I am trying to be like Jesus at school.

Sierra Pugh, age 5, is a member of Toledo Second Ward, Toledo Ohio Stake.
