“I Can Have Faith,” Friend, Nov. 2003, 44
I Can Have Faith
The scriptures say that faith is not to know things perfectly,
But it is to believe in things of truth I cannot see.
Although I cannot see the sunlight shining in the night,
I do believe when morning comes I’ll see it shining bright.
I cannot see my Heavenly Father listening to my prayer,
But I believe He hears me; I believe that He is there.
When Jesus lived upon the earth, His fame went far and near.
He healed the blind that they could see, the deaf that they could hear.
The multitudes would follow Christ; they’d never give Him rest.
They’d push and crowd their way to Him, their sick ones to be blessed.
One day a woman with disease the doctors could not cure
Thought, “If I can but touch His robe, He’ll heal me for sure.”
She pushed her way, then saw His robe just above the ground.
As she bent down and touched it, Jesus stopped and turned around.
“Who touched my robe?” He asked the crowd. The woman hid in fear.
Then Peter answered, telling Him how many crowded near.
The woman felt Christ knew of her. His spirit warmed her soul.
As she came forth, Christ told her it was faith that made her whole.
Although I am just a child, I believe my faith will grow;
Then someday I’ll behold Christ’s face, and not believe—I’ll know.
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Touch of Faith by Simon Dewey