Guide to the Friend
November 2003

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Nov. 2003, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned in the Family Home Evening Ideas. The Primary theme for November is “Teachings of the Prophet.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

  1. Present the message “Excellence” by President Gordon B. Hinckley (pages 2–3). Tell about family members or friends who try to do their best. Read the examples in Trying to Be Like Jesus (pages 42–43), and discuss how these young friends are trying to become excellent people. Decide on one thing you will try to do better this week.

  2. Tell the story “The Birthday Present” (pages 4–6). How did Kaylie figure out what she should do? Discuss ways we might know if we are dressing modestly (ask parents, pray, listen to the Spirit, follow the prophet’s counsel). Together memorize the statement by President Hinckley in the sidebar (page 6). Invite family members to promise to be modest.

  3. Read “Faith of Our Prophets” by Elder David B. Haight (page 27). Share stories about the prophets you know about. Prepare and play the game “Latter-day Prophets Matching Game” (pages 46–47), or follow the maze “Follow the Prophet” (page 26).

  4. Make the “Missionary Mobile” (page 37) and talk about the New Testament story “Cornelius and Peter” (pages 36–37) that tells how Peter learned that the gospel is for everyone. Then share the story “Guests for General Conference” (pages 32–35). Look at Friends in the News (page 48) and think of your brothers and sisters in the gospel all over the world.

  5. Make a “Surprise Thankful Parfait” (page 30) for refreshments. Talk about the blessings you have in your life.
