I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me
January 2004

“I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me,” Friend, Jan. 2004, 38

Poster Article:
I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me*

I am a child of God. I know Heavenly Father loves me, and I love Him. I can pray to Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere. I am trying to remember and follow Jesus Christ (Faith in God guidebook, inside front cover).

Even though we cannot remember living with Heavenly Father, He remembers. He knows and loves each of us because we are His children.

One day we’ll remember how well we know Him, too. President Ezra Taft Benson (1899–1994) once said, “Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us” (quoted in Ensign, May 1991, 66). Can you imagine how exciting it will be to return home to Him someday?

Remembering that we are His children will help us live worthily so that we can return to live with Him forever. President Gordon B. Hinckley has said, “Let us never forget that we are children of God at all times. … There is never a time or a season or a circumstance when we can let down on our standards” (Ensign, Jan. 1998, 73).

Knowing that we are children of God helps us understand that we are never alone. When we pray, He answers. As we obey the commandments, pray for help, and rely on the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can become more like Him.

Activities and Ideas

  1. Color the sign on page 39, attach or draw a picture of yourself in the empty box, and display it where you’ll often be reminded that you are a child of God.

    I am a child of God

    I am a child of God

  2. For a family home evening activity, copy or trace page 39 for each family member and have them color it and attach or draw a picture of themselves. Using President Hinckley’s statement, discuss why it is important to remember that we are children of Heavenly Father.

  3. In a family home evening lesson or when you give a talk in Primary, discuss happy memories from when you were younger—something fun that you and your family did together, something you enjoyed learning, etc. Read President Benson’s statement. How does it make you feel to know that someday we’ll remember many other happy experiences from before this life? How does knowing that we once lived with Heavenly Father change how we live here?

  • Emphasizes the Primary monthly theme. (See “My Family Can Be Forever,” poster, Friend, Jan. 2004, insert.)

The First Vision by Del Parson
