Wrong Choice/Right Choice
January 2004

“Wrong Choice/Right Choice,” Friend, Jan. 2004, 47

Wrong Choice/Right Choice

I was invited to a friend’s house. I was excited because he had moved to the other side of town, and I didn’t get to see him very often. On the way there, Mom and I reviewed what is expected of me at a friend’s house.

I was having a good time with my friend when he started playing a movie that was rated PG-13. I told him that I’m not allowed to watch PG-13 movies, and that I would not watch it. Then he put in an R-rated movie. I told him I would not watch that either. My friend would not listen to me. This made me sad.

I called my parents, and my mom came and got me. When she found out what had happened, she was very proud of me and took me out to eat. I am sad that my friend chose what was wrong. But I felt the Holy Ghost when I left my friend’s house, because I chose what was right.

Steve Flynn, age 11, is a member of the Maple Hill Ward, Boise Idaho Central Stake.
