Guide to the Friend
March 2004

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Mar. 2004, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. Look for the FHE symbol on the pages [original magazine] mentioned in the Family Home Evening Ideas. The Primary theme for March is “Jesus Christ makes it possible for me to live with Heavenly Father again.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

  1. Invite a family member to study “Spring Cleaning” by President Gordon B. Hinckley (pages 2–3) and talk about how we can clean our lives (repentance). Think of something you can ask forgiveness for, stop doing, or start doing to make your life better this week. Pray for help to live the gospel better.

  2. Get to know Elder Steven E. Snow of the Seventy by reading his story “The Beginning of a Testimony” (pages 6–7). Make a list of the things he says to do to strengthen your testimonies. Check off the ones you do this week. Continue to do them.

  3. As a parent teaches the principles in “Clean Again” (pages 14–15), work together to make the mobile on page 15. Talk about the wonderful gifts that are ours because of the Savior’s life and sacrifice. How can you honor Him and show Him your thanks? To remember to honor Him always, hang the mobile and the poster—“In This Home We Honor His Name” (pages 24–25)—where you will see them each day.

  4. Read together the story “The Decision” (pages 40–41). Discuss how important it is to follow the Spirit’s promptings and avoid evil. Do the “Choose the Right” Funstuf (page 17). In the maze, it is important to make good choices to avoid getting lost or getting stuck in a dead end. How is that like our lives?

  5. Ask a family member to learn the poem “Read the Book of Mormon” (page 11) and present it to the family. Then study Elder Russell M. Nelson’s message “The Book of Mormon” (page 43). Resolve to read the Book of Mormon together each day. Begin now. Open your scriptures and read!
