Guide to the Friend
April 2004

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Apr. 2004, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for April is “Families can be happy when they follow Jesus Christ.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned in the Family Home Evening Ideas.

  1. Read President Thomas S. Monson’s “Crossroads” (pp. 2–3). The Cheshire Cat tells Alice that if she doesn’t know where she wants to go, it does not matter which path she takes. President Monson explains that each of us knows where we want to go. Discuss where you wish to go in the future (for example, on a mission, to the temple, etc.). Set goals to follow the path that will take you there.

  2. Read about the Salt Lake Temple dedication in “A Gift to Remember” (pp. 20–22). Why did the early Saints sacrifice so much to build temples? Discuss the importance of temple work and how you can prepare to make eternal covenants. If you have visited a temple—to see the grounds or attend an open house or a dedication—talk about your feelings and memories of the temple. Draw pictures or display photographs of one of the temples to remind you to live worthily.

  3. As a family, complete the hidden picture “Serving Others” (p. 23) or make copies for each family member to complete. How are the children in the picture serving others? How can your family serve someone in need? Plan a service project for someone in your neighborhood. (For a service idea, look at “Testimony Easter Eggs” on page 31.)

  4. Using the pictures on pages 32 and 33, tell the Easter story. Then read and discuss the poem “Easter Lilies” (p. 7). How can springtime remind you of the Resurrection? As a family, make and display the wreath on pages 36 and 37. Discuss creations you are grateful for and, weather permitting, take a walk outside to look for them.

  5. Read “An Experiment in Forgiving” (pp. 38–41) and “Birthday Cookies” (pp. 46–48). What did each of the children in these stories learn about forgiveness? Can you think of a time you forgave someone? How did you feel? For another example of forgiveness, read “Loving Our Enemies” (p. 35). Commit to follow the example of these children and be forgiving.

  6. For more ideas, see page 42.
