Saturday Swimming
September 2004

“Saturday Swimming,” Friend, Sept. 2004, 40

Saturday Swimming

This summer my brothers and sister and I were on the Bitterroot Valley swim team. Competitions were held on Saturday and Sunday. Our coach and teammates wanted us to swim on Sundays so we could help our team get more points. But we just told them, “Sorry, we are keeping the Sabbath day holy.” We decided that we would only swim relays and IMs (individual medleys), both of which are on Saturday. IMs are the most difficult events because you have to swim a lap of each stroke. We were able to keep the Sabbath day holy and still bring our team some points. We knew that we were doing the right thing when we went to church the next day. We had a good feeling inside when we listened to Sister Northcott, our Primary president, talk about how we should keep the Sabbath day holy. We hope we can continue to choose the right.

Alyssa, age 12, Annie, age 10, Zander, age 8, and Adam Smith, age 6, are members of the Hamilton Ward, Stevensville Montana Stake.

Illustrated by Mark Robison
