Family Memory Book
November 2005

“Family Memory Book,” Friend, Nov. 2005, 30

Family Memory Book

For a family home evening activity, make a Family Memory Book for 2005. You will need: a pen, markers or crayons, a piece of heavy paper for the cover, a photo of your family (optional), glue, paper, a paper punch, and ribbon.

  1. For the cover have an older person write on the heavy paper, The __________ Family Memory Book 2005 (see illustration). Then glue a photo or draw a picture of the family on the cover.

  2. Give everyone in the family one or more pieces of paper. Have each person think of some fun, memorable things he or she did with the family this year. Then write “I liked it when …” on his or her paper, filling in the rest of the sentence. For example, “we went camping,” “we made ice-cream sundaes,” or “we rode our bikes together for family home evening.” Draw pictures to illustrate the events.

  3. Stack the pages together with the cover on top, punch holes on the left side, and tie together with ribbon (see illustration).

Illustrated by Val Chadwick Bagley
