Guide to the Friend
February 2006

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Feb. 2006, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for February is “Heavenly Father’s plan promises eternal happiness.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned below.

  1. Read “The Lighthouse” (pp. 2–3) and “Lost in a Cave” (pp. 42–43). Then discuss what kinds of light we need in our lives and how we can enjoy more of the light of the Spirit. Before the discussion, turn the lights off. Turn them on again when you have agreed on a plan to have more light as a family.

  2. Much of the wisdom in the Friend comes from children like you. Take turns reading the poems in Our Creative Friends (pp. 26–27) out loud and explaining what they have taught you. Then each choose your favorite drawing and tell how it makes you feel.

  3. “Valentine from the Heart” (pp. 10–12) tells how one girl shared her testimony with someone she loved. Who are some people your family loves who do not have the gospel in their lives? Discuss how to share the gospel with them in kind and loving ways.

  4. Discover what disaster happens to Ted and Benjamin’s family in “Nets Full of Fish” (pp. 18–21) and how they overcome it. Are there problems your family could overcome the same way?

  5. Complete the activity Noah’s Ark Picture Puzzle (p. 13) and decide how your family can be safe like Noah’s family. Then enjoy strawberry smoothies or caramel corn as a treat (p. 22).
