Matt and Mandy
February 2006

“Matt and Mandy,” Friend, Feb. 2006, 39

Matt and Mandy

Matt and Mandy

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney Kawasaki

Girl: Mandy, my mom says I can get a small rose tattooed on my ankle by that new tattoo artist on Park Street. Do you want to get one too?

Mandy: Is this tattoo guy the best artist ever?

Girl: Probably not. Why?

Mandy: Is he even the millionth best?

Girl: Probably not. Why?

Mandy: My body was made by Heavenly Father. He’s a million times better than the best artist ever. Should I let anyone paint over His work?

Girl: Probably not.

Mandy: Should you?

Girl: If I bought us a couple of hot fudge sundaes with some of the tattoo money would you turn me down?

Mandy: Probably not.
