Best Friends—Blake Waters of Pikeville, North Carolina
February 2007

“Best Friends—Blake Waters of Pikeville, North Carolina,” Friend, Feb. 2007, 40–42

Making Friends:

Best Friends—
Blake Waters of Pikeville, North Carolina

While the Waters family built their new home, they lived in a tiny apartment. During that time the family became very close and shared some special experiences. In fact, Blake (8) considers his mom, Sherry; his dad, Garry; and his sisters, Sydney (9) and Emily (6) to be his best friends. Every night before Blake goes to bed, he tells the members of his family that he loves them.


At school Blake tries to be a good example. Each day he makes an effort to be kind to everyone. Being honest is important too. When the teacher didn’t mark one of his spelling word errors wrong, Blake pointed it out to her. The teacher thanked him for his honesty. Math is his favorite subject in school, and he also likes the science center. He always enjoys playing kickball and volleyball at recess. Another thing Blake likes about school is the fact that his mother is there teaching kindergarten. “All my friends know who my mother is,” Blake said.

Building a New Home

Blake and his sisters helped clear the land for their new home. They hauled brush, trees, and debris. The children also helped by carrying lumber, sweeping, cleaning, puttying nail holes, and stacking wood to dry. Their father cut down 25 trees on Grandma Waters’s property to use for the house. Blake tried to build a little house with a hammer, nails, and wood. “But it fell down!” Blake declared.

Primary and Scouts

Blake always looks forward to attending church and Primary. His favorite song is “Book of Mormon Stories.” And his favorite lesson was on the Word of Wisdom. Choosing good and bad food helped him remember the lesson. In Cub Scouts, he has had fun making rubber-band airplanes and participating in Indian-day activities. His pack won an award for best costumes.

Family Home Evening

Every Monday night, Blake looks forward to singing songs, playing games, and reading the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. Sharing a family night with his grandparents is always a treat. Whenever it’s Sydney’s turn to give the lesson, Blake and Emily are eager to know what she is going to do. Why? Because they know it will be a fun lesson based on one of her achievement-day activities.


After his interview with the bishop, Blake was ready to be baptized. He was eager to have his dad baptize and confirm him a member of the Church. “I felt really good after I was baptized and confirmed,” Blake said. “Someday I want to go on a mission and teach the gospel so more people can join the Church.” He has already started a missionary fund.

Nine Things Blake Likes to Do

  1. Fish with his dad

  2. Play first base in baseball

  3. Bowl with his family

  4. Hug his dog, Buddy

  5. Eat watermelon, pizza, brownies, and ice cream

  6. Play hide-and-seek in the backyard forest with his sisters and Grandpa Hull

  7. Boogie board at Myrtle Beach

  8. Ride the four-wheeler

  9. Play foosball with his sisters

Map of North Carolina

Where in the world is Pikeville, North Carolina?

Blake, Sydney, and Emily are best friends

The Waters family sitting on the porch of their new home

Clearing the land for his family’s new home

Blake’s CTR 8 Primary class (left to right): Chandler D., Blake W., Jared H., Nicholas C., and Alexia B.
