Matt and Mandy
February 2007

“Matt and Mandy,” Friend, Feb. 2007, 17

Matt and Mandy

Matt and Mandy

Illustrations by Shauna Mooney Kawasaki

  1. Matt: My snowman will be twice as big as yours!

    Mandy: In your dreams!

  2. Matt: OK, we’re even so far. But my snowman’s tummy will dwarf yours.

    Mandy: Keep dreaming!

  3. Matt: Uh, Mandy? I can’t seem to lift mine.

    Mandy: I can’t lift mine either.

  4. Matt: I guess maybe we’ll have to work together.

    Mandy: Looks that way.

  5. Matt and Mandy: Heave ho!

  6. Matt: It’s just like I told you, Mandy—It’s better to work together than try to beat each other.

    Mandy: You are so wise.
