Guide to the Friend
August 2007

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Aug. 2007, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for August is “My faith in Jesus Christ grows when I listen to the Holy Ghost.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned below.

  1. Read “Following a Prophet” (pp. 2–3) and talk about the blessings that came to the Hinckley family because they held family home evening. What do you like about family home evening? How has your family been blessed? Invite family members to think of a talent they have or would like to develop that they could share at an upcoming family home evening.

  2. Play the “Scripture Heroes” activity (p. 23). When a family member makes a match, give him or her a point. If he or she can tell the story involved, award an extra two points. Repeat the activity until all of you know the stories. You may want to add a few more matches to the activity by putting in pictures of family members or Church leaders and a picture that illustrates why they are heroes to you. (For example, find a picture of Dad and a picture of a priesthood ordinance, or a picture of Mom and a picture of a woman hugging a child.)

  3. Read the poem “Help from the Holy Ghost” (p. 27). Talk about each verse and ways the Spirit can help us. Then ask family members to write their own verses to the poem about times they received help from the Holy Ghost. Read “Trained by the Spirit” (pp. 4–5) to see how the Holy Ghost helped two girls.

  4. Several days before family home evening, ask family members to write down all the times they see each other doing kind or helpful things for one another or people outside your immediate family. Tell the story “Who Is My Neighbor?” (pp. 42–43). How does it make you feel when you follow the Savior’s example and serve others with love? Think of a person you know who is a good example of service and discuss why this person is so admirable.

  5. After reading “Friends through Fire” (pp. 46–48), write on slips of paper ways your family can be good neighbors. Take turns choosing papers and acting out the situations for other family members to guess. Make a goal to be helpful and friendly this week.

The Friend can be found on the Internet at www.lds.org. Click on Gospel Library.

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