Comforting a Friend
August 2007

“Comforting a Friend,” Friend, Aug. 2007, 32

Comforting a Friend

I was at the home of a friend. We played video games, and at first everything was OK. Then my friend’s parents started arguing with each other, saying bad words and things that weren’t kind. My friend told me he didn’t like them saying those things. It made him feel sad and scared. He asked his parents to stop arguing and saying bad words, but they didn’t stop. We decided to go downstairs to be away from the arguing. To help my friend feel better, I told him about Jesus Christ, and how we can all get to heaven and be together as happy families. My friend doesn’t go to church, so I wanted to share the gospel with him. My friend said that the things I told him made him feel much better.

When I got home, my parents gave me big hugs. I was so happy to be home that I never wanted to leave again. I told my mom that as soon as I got home I felt safe again. It was like a shield surrounded me and protected me.

Someday I want to go on a mission and help people like my friend.

John J. S., age 9, Virginia
