A New Friend
October 2007

“A New Friend,” Friend, Oct. 2007, 28–29

A New Friend

(Based on a true story)

Oh, come with me to Primary (Children’s Songbook, 255).

  1. Hannah held tightly to her mother’s hand. “It’s OK, Hannah. I can go with you to Primary,” Mom said.

  2. Hannah looked around the chapel. She didn’t like this new building. But mostly she didn’t like not knowing anyone.

  3. Last Sunday, Dad had gone with her to Primary. There were only boys in her class. But the teacher said that there was a girl who should be back in class this week. Hannah tried to peek around the tall grown-ups to see the girl who might be in her class.

  4. Suddenly Hannah felt a tap on her elbow. She turned around and saw a girl who was just her height and wore her hair in two long braids.
    “My name is Natalie,” she said. “Sister Davis said that you were in our Primary class. You can come with me.”

  5. The girl took hold of Hannah’s hand. Hannah looked at Mom. “Thank you for helping Hannah,” Mom said, smiling at Natalie.
    Hannah swallowed hard and let Natalie lead her out of the chapel.
    “Now I’m not the only girl in our class,” Natalie said. “Will you be my friend?”
    “Yes,” Hannah said with a big smile.
    In sharing time, Natalie sat down next to four boys. Natalie patted the chair next to her so Hannah would sit by her.

  6. “Hi, Natalie,” a boy said.
    “Hi, Tait,” Natalie said. “This is my new friend Hannah.”
    Sister Walker asked everyone to sing “When Jesus Christ Was Baptized.” Hannah smiled. She had learned that song in her old Primary. “That’s my favorite song,” she told Natalie.
    “Tait and I like it too,” Natalie said.
    Hannah sang with Natalie and Tait. Sister Walker held up pictures of Jesus. Hannah smiled. Maybe she liked this new Primary after all.

Illustrations by Julie F. Young
