12 Days of Christmas Surprise
December 2007

“12 Days of Christmas Surprise,” Friend, Dec. 2007, 23


12 Days of Christmas Surprise

You can show your love to your parents with this fun surprise. To make this gift you will need:

  • Twelve envelopes

  • Twelve pieces of paper

  • Pens or colored pencils

  1. Number the envelopes from 1 to 12 and decorate the envelopes with Christmas colors. Write “To Mom” or “To Dad” on each envelope.

  2. Number each piece of paper 1 through 12.

  3. On the first paper, write, “On the first day of Christmas, I’ll show my love for you by __________.” Fill in the blank with one thing you will do to help your parents, such as washing the dishes after one meal.

  4. On the second paper, write, “On the second day of Christmas I’ll show my love for you by ___________.” Fill in the blank with two things you will do to help your family, such as making two beds.

  5. Write a similar message on each of the remaining papers. On the last paper, fill in the blank with 12 things you will do to help your family, such as putting 12 dishes in the dishwasher or baking 12 cookies. Put each paper in its envelope. Remember to sign your name on each piece of paper!

  6. Twelve days before Christmas, hide the first envelope where your mom or dad will find it. Each day until Christmas, hide a new envelope and do the tasks you promised.

Hint: you could also team up with brothers and sisters to give this special gift to your parents. Your help will be one of the best presents your mom or dad will get this Christmas.

Illustration by Brad Clark
