Matt and Mandy
December 2007

“Matt and Mandy,” Friend, Dec. 2007, 37

Matt and Mandy

Matt and Mandy

Illustrations by Shauna Mooney Kawasaki

Matt: Jason at school says he doesn’t believe in Jesus.

Mandy: That’s too bad.

Matt: But his family still has Christmas. They put up a tree and have decorations and gifts and even sing carols.

Mandy: Well, that’s good, I guess.

Matt: But he says it’s just a fun holiday. He says I’m silly to really believe.

Mandy: That’s not so good.

Matt: Mandy, Christmas is my very most favorite day of the year.

Mandy: Mine too.

Matt: But I’d rather have Jesus without Christmas than Christmas without Jesus.

Mandy: So would I.

Mandy: So cheer up! We get to have both!

Matt: That’s why Christmas is my favorite day.
