Just Like Heavenly Father
January 2008

“Just Like Heavenly Father,” Friend, Jan. 2008, 28–29

Just Like Heavenly Father

I am a child of God (Children’s Songbook, 2).

Just Like Heavenly Father, left page

Illustrations by Elise Black

Krista was holding a piece of paper when her mom picked her up from Primary class.

What’s the paper for?

My teacher wants me to give a talk in Primary next week.

Good! We will help you prepare a talk.

Later, the family was eating dinner.

I want to give a talk about Heavenly Father.

That’s a great idea. I’ll help you plan your talk after dinner.

The next night in family home evening, Mom and Dad helped Krista practice her talk. Her little brother Joshua couldn’t say any words yet, but he waved his hands happily. He made her smile.

On Sunday morning, Krista put on her pink dress.

Will you and Dad and Joshua come to Primary to listen to my talk?

Of course we will.

Just Like Heavenly Father, right page

As the family walked together to the Primary room, Krista held tightly to Dad’s hand.

When it was Krista‘s turn to give her talk, she stepped onto the small wooden box and talked into the microphone.

I look like my mommy and my daddy. I have eyes like my mommy. I have a nose like my daddy.

Krista saw her parents smiling at her, so she smiled too.

I am like my mommy and my daddy. I am also like my Heavenly Father because I am a child of God. I know that He loves me just like my parents love me.

Heavenly Father has given me a plan. I know if I obey His commandments I will return to live with Him someday. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Krista returned to her seat. A warm glow of happiness settled over her as she thought of Heavenly Father’s love for her.
