Kind Nephite Sister
January 2008

“Kind Nephite Sister,” Friend, Jan. 2008, 41

Kind Nephite Sister

I played a Nephite girl in the Mormon Miracle Pageant in Manti, Utah. When Jesus visits the righteous Nephites in the pageant, the children get to sit by Him and be taught by Him.

On the last night of the pageant, my group was assigned to go up to Jesus. I wanted to be the child to sit on the knee of the man playing the part of Jesus as he taught the children. I planned to walk quickly up the pageant steps where the man sat so I could sit on his knee. When it was time for the children to walk up to him, I tried to hurry, but my little brother Benjamin took my hand and said, “Wait for me. I want to be close to Jesus too.”

I listened to the Holy Ghost and held my brother’s hand and helped him so he could sit close to the man playing Jesus. Many children were able to get in front of us, so I didn’t get to sit on his knee. I was very sad and told my mom. She said that our Savior, Jesus Christ, is very pleased with me for helping my brother. The next day my mom asked the man who dressed up as Jesus if I could sit on his knee for a picture, and he said yes.
