A Burning Testimony
November 2008

“A Burning Testimony,” Friend, Nov. 2008, 38–40

Making Friends

A Burning Testimony

Children all over the world pray, sing Primary songs, and learn about the gospel—just like you! This month let’s meet Nubporn Wisanbannawit of Bangkok, Thailand.

Almost everything about 11-year-old Wiew’s home is hot. The weather is hot. The food is spicy hot. And her testimony burns inside her too. Wiew’s full name is Nubporn Wisanbannawit, and it means “count the blessing.” Wiew sees many blessings in her life, and she tries hard to choose the right.

Choosing the Right at Home

Wiew is a good example to her whole family, including her older brother, Dawin (15), and sister, Wichada (16). They admire that she is faithful in paying her tithing. They also like having family home evening together.

Choosing the Right at School

More than 90 percent of the people in Thailand are Buddhist. There are not very many Latter-day Saints, but Wiew isn’t afraid to stand up for her beliefs. She tells her friends about the missionaries and the English class they hold every week.

She goes to a school that teaches both Christian and Buddhist beliefs. But the things taught in Wiew’s Christian scripture-study class did not match the messages of the restored gospel. Wiew explained her beliefs to the teacher and how these beliefs are different from what was taught in the class.

Choosing the Right with Friends

Wiew is a good example to her friends. Sometimes her friends try to talk her into buying tea and coffee at school, but Wiew chooses not to. She is honest too. If she finds lost money at school, she gives it to her teachers, even if it’s only 5 baht (about 15 cents). Wiew also shows her friends that it’s important to keep the Sabbath day holy. On Sundays she is careful to not play outside with her friends and to not buy anything.

She learned it’s important to forgive others. For a while, Wiew had a problem with her leg and couldn’t participate in some of the school activities. Because she couldn’t spend as much time with her best friend, the best friend started being better friends with another girl. One day Wiew smiled at her best friend, but her friend did not smile back. Wiew was hurt, and the next day she asked the girl why she wasn’t her friend anymore. The best friend replied, “Oh, I didn’t see you!” Wiew forgave her friend and didn’t feel sad anymore.

Choosing the Right at Church

Wiew likes going to her Primary class and Church activities. Sometimes after church the members of the Donmuang Branch eat dinner together. Everyone brings food to share. Wiew likes being with Church members and she likes making new friends.

Wiew enjoys singing Primary songs. She is also teaching herself how to play hymns on her recorder. She doesn’t have any sheet music; she just listens to the hymns at church and then tries to play them again at home.

Where in the World Is Bangkok, Thailand?

map of Southeast Asia

Photographs by Laura Cutler and courtesy of the Wisanbannawit family

Wiew wears an outfit for a traditional Thai dance.

Wiew enjoys the spicy food in her country

Wiew is an active girl. She likes swimming, running, and tae kwon do.
