“Tell Us!” Friend, Nov. 2008, inside front cover
Tell Us!
What is your favorite part of this month’s Friend? Is there a story, a picture, or an activity you especially like? Please send us a letter telling us what you liked and why you liked it. Be sure to tell us your name, age, and address.
Along with your letter, please send a photo of yourself. Also, have a parent or legal guardian send us a written statement giving us permission to publish your letter and photo. If an adult helps you write your letter, please let us know. You must be at least three years old to send us a letter. Because we receive so many letters, we cannot publish or return them all. If we do publish yours, it may not appear in the magazine for at least a year. Send your letter to:
Friends by Mail
Room 2432
50 East North Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-0024
United States of America
You can also e-mail your letter, photo, and permission to: friend@ldschurch.org.
Illustration by Brad Teare