Friends in the News
January 2009

“Friends in the News,” Friend, Jan. 2009, 32–33

Friends in the News

River First Ward

The Primary children in the River First Ward, South Jordan Utah River Stake, are learning to follow Jesus Christ. For an activity, they learned about the Humanitarian Center and put together school kits for children who don’t have the supplies they need to help them learn. The Primary children learned that serving others brings feelings of peace and joy.

Jake and Jed P., 6 and 6, Utah, are twins and best friends. They like to play football together. They enjoy going to Primary, reading the Friend, and participating in family home evening. They both are good at helping their family members, and they like to help their mom make dinner.

Rochester First Ward

The Primary children of the Rochester First Ward, Rochester Minnesota Stake, had a pioneer activity. They learned about the pioneers who journeyed from Nauvoo to Salt Lake many years ago. They learned about how the pioneers worked, played, and sang. The children dressed as pioneers and had a parade.

Heath, Jesse, and Heather L., 5, 2, and 7, Alaska, love their dad. The day after Thanksgiving he left to serve in the army for one year. These children enjoy reading the Friend and like going to church with their family and friends.

Rebekah, Colter, and Aaron D., 10, 8, and 3, Oregon, love each other. Rebekah likes helping with the humanitarian efforts in her ward. Colter is excited to be baptized. Aaron enjoys helping his mom around the house.

Kendall M., Emma W., Hannah W., Wyatt W., and Kaden M., 6, 4, 6, 7, and 8, Arizona, are cousins. During the Christmas season they put together 36 hygiene kits. They took the kits and 120 rolls of toilet paper to a homeless shelter in Mexico.

Max, Mary, and Grace D., 2, 9, and 5, Pennsylvania, enjoy playing together, outside or inside. Max wants to be a mis-sionary when he grows up. Grace likes doing arts and crafts, and she recently learned to knit. She enjoys nature, bike rides, and basketball. Mary likes to read. She enjoys singing and conducts the music during family home evening.

Preston Sixth Ward

For a summer activity, the children of the Preston Sixth Ward Primary, Preston Idaho South Stake, played water games to learn gospel principles. They played tug-of-war over a sprinkler to learn about holding tight to the iron rod. In another game, they learned about the importance of teamwork using wet sponges.

Brighton Ward

The bishop of the Brighton Ward, Ann Arbor Michigan Stake (right), challenged the Primary children to memorize all 13 Articles of Faith. The children in the picture completed the challenge and joined the bishop for a party to reward them for their hard work.

Nathanael B., 7, Utah, can’t wait to be baptized. He enjoys reading, playing with his two younger brothers, and wearing his CTR ring. He is a good example to his family and friends.

Samantha Lauryn W., 3, Colorado, likes to share smiles, hugs, and kind words. She enjoys reading stories, dancing, and riding her scooter. She likes learning about the ancient and latter-day prophets, especially Jonah and David.

Benjamin and Marina S., 11 and 7, Wyoming, like to read. Benjamin enjoys playing the guitar, building snow forts, sledding, and being outdoors. He is carefully preparing to receive the priesthood when he turns 12. Marina enjoys writing, art, marking her scriptures, swimming, and riding her bike. She is excited to be baptized and to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Benjamin T., 5, Utah, likes to make his little sister laugh. He is learning to ski and has fun building with his toys. He enjoys singing Christmas songs all year, especially “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.”

Daniele B., 10, Ontario, Canada, is a third-year Girl Guide and enjoys the Guiding program. She is an artist and swimmer. She looks forward to attending Primary each Sunday. Daniele loves animals and hopes to be a veterinarian someday.
