“Joseph Smith Timeline,” Friend, Jan. 2009, 24–25
Joseph Smith Timeline

Illustrations by Scott Greer
December 23, 1805
Joseph Smith Jr. is born to Joseph Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith in Sharon, Windsor County, Vermont.
Spring of 1820
At age 14, Joseph becomes confused about which religion to join. He goes into the woods to pray and sees God the Father and Jesus Christ. They tell him that none of the churches are true.
September 21, 1823
The angel Moroni appears to Joseph and tells him about the gold plates and the work he is called to do.
January 18, 1827
Joseph marries Emma Hale. They were married 17 years and had 11 children. Some of their children were adopted, and six of their children died in infancy.
September 22, 1827
Joseph receives the gold plates from Moroni and begins translating them.
May 15, 1829
The priesthood is restored. John the Baptist confers the Aaronic Priesthood on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, and they baptize each other. A short time later, Peter, James, and John confer the Melchizedek Priesthood upon them.
March 26, 1830
The Book of Mormon is printed and made available to the public.
April 6, 1830
Jesus Christ’s Church is organized again upon the earth. Joseph Smith is sustained as prophet, seer, revelator, translator, and Apostle of Jesus Christ.
February 27, 1833
The Word of Wisdom is revealed (see D&C 89).
The Kirtland Temple is completed. Jesus Christ appears to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery there.
Under Joseph’s direction, the Saints begin building Nauvoo.
Missionaries sent by Joseph Smith arrive in Great Britain. More than 6,000 people join the Church.
March 1, 1842
Joseph publishes the Articles of Faith and the book of Abraham in the Times and Seasons newspaper.
June 27, 1844
Joseph and Hyrum Smith are martyred in Carthage Jail, which seals the testimony of the Prophet. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints continues to grow to fill the whole earth.