$100 Honesty
May 2009

“$100 Honesty,” Friend, May 2009, 47

$100 Honesty

Justine R., age 8, Montana

One day, my family went to see some of the animals at our town’s stock show. As we were leaving, I found a $100 bill lying between two cars. At first I was excited, but then I started talking with my mom and dad about how much someone must be missing that money. We decided to report it to the office, but I still felt like we should try harder to find the owner.

As we walked back to where we found the money, I saw a lady who was looking for something. My dad asked her if she had lost something, and she said she had lost a $100 bill. My dad told her that I found it and that I had wanted to return it to her. She was very thankful to get her money back, and she thanked me for being honest. It feels really good to choose the right!
