Friends in the News
June 2009

“Friends in the News,” Friend, June 2009, 42–43

Friends in the News

Puyallup Washington Stake

Primary girls in the Puyallup Washington Stake made quilts and filled bags with puzzles, coloring books, stuffed animals, and letters of love for children in the foster-care system. The girls also wrote letters and drew pictures for those serving in the military and for missionaries serving around the world.

Sarah and Ryle H., 6 and 4, Alabama, like going to Primary. Sarah likes Primary songs and family home evening. She memorizes scriptures each week with her family. She is excited to be baptized and go to activity days like her two older sisters. Ryle likes to sing “Follow the Prophet.” He enjoys giving talks and saying prayers in Primary. When he grows up, he wants to be a missionary like his older brother.

Woodville First Ward

Primary children in the Woodville First Ward, Shelley Idaho Stake, participated in a humanitarian project. Ward members donated dolls and material to make balls. The Primary girls cleaned and dressed the dolls, and the boys stuffed balls. Some of the boys helped to stitch up the balls too.

Orland Ward

Primary children in the Orland Ward, Chico California Stake, wrote letters to missionaries and men and women serving in the military. They wanted to help them feel happy and tell them they supported them. The children also included a photo of themselves and their leaders.

Brooke and Benjamin H., 3 and 11, Ohio, enjoy reading the Friend. Brooke enjoys Primary songs and wants to sing “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” every family night. She likes to jump on the trampoline and go to school. Benjamin enjoys playing video games. He also plays the piano and viola and wants to get a guitar soon. He’s a great artist and likes to design cards for birthdays and holidays.

Morrisville First Ward

The Primary children in the Morrisville First Ward, Philadelphia Pennsylvania Stake, built a “Protective Wall of Zion.” Each week, the children took home paper “bricks” and marked the days their family held family home evening, prayed together, and studied the scriptures. The completed bricks were added to the wall.

Chynna S., 11, Virginia, brings sparkle, laughter, and energy wherever she goes.

Allison S., 6, Utah, can’t wait until she is eight. She is looking forward to her baptism. She likes to play the piano and sing in Primary.

Ethan W., 3, Utah, likes to read books, build forts with his brothers, and play with his cousins. He is very good at making his family laugh.
