Helping Her Family
June 2009

“Helping Her Family,” Friend, June 2009, 26–28

Making Friends

Helping Her Family

Children all over the world love helping their families—just like you! This month let’s meet Cinthia Noemí Jara Humada from Asunción, Paraguay.

Meeting Cinthia

Just outside the city of Asunción, Paraguay, sits a small repair and blacksmith shop. The shop is full of metal tools and objects needing repair. Behind the shop is a small house. On the back patio hang freshly cleaned clothes. This is the home of nine-year-old Cinthia Noemí Jara Humada and her family.

Helping at Home

Cinthia has a younger brother, Gustavo (7), and a baby sister, Débora. She most often helps take care of Gustavo, but she also likes to help with Débora. Her mother says Cinthia helps out a lot by keeping her room clean, cleaning around the house, and sweeping the patio. One day Cinthia wants to be a mom and have six children.

Family Home Evenings

Cinthia is always ready to help with family home evening. Sometimes when her father is busy in his blacksmith shop, Cinthia volunteers to help him by preparing a family home evening lesson. Cinthia wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She enjoys teaching others.

Learning from the Scriptures

Cinthia loves to read—especially the scriptures. Her favorite scripture story is about Ammon preaching to the Lamanites (see Alma 18). She likes how it shows that we all should do missionary work.

Standing Firm at School

Cinthia’s school runs in shifts. Some students attend in the morning, some in the afternoon, and some in the evening. Cinthia goes to school in the mornings. She is in third grade and is a very good student. Her favorite subject is social studies.

Her school has more than 1,000 students, but only 12 are members of the Church. Her schoolmates often ask her questions about her religion. She answers the questions the best she can and sets an example by living the gospel.

Where in the World Is Asunción, Paraguay?

map of Paraguay

Map by Thomas S. Child

Photographs of family by Don L. Searle

Cinthia and her family: father (Miguel), mother (Liz), Cinthia, Gustavo, and Débora

Illustration of books by Scott Greer
