Happy Birthday, President Monson!
August 2009

“Happy Birthday, President Monson!” Friend, August 2009, 46–47

Happy Birthday, President Monson!

Last year we asked you to serve someone in need for President Monson’s birthday. We received hundreds of letters! We couldn’t print them all here, but you can read more online at www.friend.lds.org. Each week in August we will put more letters on the Web site. We wish President Monson a very happy birthday on August 21!

I wrote thank-you letters to our bishop and a couple of people who work in our Primary. In church, many people work very hard, and I think they should get some sort of thanks. President Thomas S. Monson inspires us all with all the good things he does to help the world.

Drew B., age 9, Nevada

We made a “giving tree.” Every time we did service we wrote it on a heart and put it on the tree. Soon our tree was overflowing with hearts!

Bow Island Ward Primary, Medicine Hat Alberta Stake

A member of our ward had to be on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy. I had an idea that our family could take care of her son a couple of days a week. My brothers and sister and I helped watch him and make sure he was having fun when he wasn’t with his mom. It was so fun to have him come over and to know that we were helping his family.

Mason, Cooper, Weston, and Ellie T., ages 10, 8, 5, and 3, Georgia

I drew some pictures to give away. I visited some elderly people with my mom and gave my drawings to them. I thought my pictures would be a nice gift and cheer the people up. I was a little bit scared and shy when they opened the door, but after they smiled at me and I saw that they were happy, I felt good inside.

Alyssa S., age 5, Utah

We gave a piano recital for the residents in a convalescent hospital. Some of the songs we played were Primary songs. Afterward, we shook each audience member’s hand. We enjoyed performing and meeting the residents. Several people were smiling during the recital. We are already planning what songs to play next time!

Cannon and Alec W., ages 11 and 8, California

My grandpa came in really sore one day from working in the garden. He could hardly walk, and his feet were really dirty. I told him I would wash his feet for him. My aunt helped me get a bucket of warm soapy water. I scrubbed my grandpa’s feet with soap and a little brush. It made me feel happy that I could help him.

Elias T., age 4, Tasmania, Australia

At night, I read the scriptures to my little sister. While I read the Doctrine and Covenants to her, she is able to go to sleep. I am thankful for my family. They help me, and I help them.

Yousuf R., age 4, Illinois

Our grandparents only have a wood-burning stove to keep them warm in the winter. It is hard for Grandpa because he can’t split and stack wood. So our daddy split a lot of wood and we stacked it so it would be ready for winter.

Alexis and Zachary C., ages 6 and 4, Utah

We wanted to thank our home teachers for coming to our house each month, so we made cookies for them. Then we made thank-you cards, telling them how glad we are that they come to our house and teach us the gospel. It made us feel really good to do something nice for them.

Luke and Katelyn S., ages 7 and 5, California

We decided to cook someone dinner. We made a dinner of baked pasta that we cooked ourselves and helped our mom make the spaghetti sauce. We buttered and heated the bread. After our mom finished the rest of the dinner, we took it to our neighbors. They were moving and their kitchen was all packed up. They were so happy to have the yummy meal. It made us happy to help them.

Tyler, Ashley, and Nicole G., ages 7, 7, and 3, Arizona

One morning during a windy snowstorm, we were riding in the car. Two sister missionaries were walking in the storm, and we offered them a ride. One was from Samoa. We asked them if they needed anything. The other missionary said her companion’s gloves weren’t warm enough. We had an extra pair of gloves in the car, and they fit the sister from Samoa. It warmed our hearts that we were able to do something for the missionaries who are serving the Lord.

Garrison and Kempton M., ages 10 and 8, Idaho
