A Visit with President Uchtdorf
February 2010

“A Visit with President Uchtdorf,” Friend, Feb. 2010, inside front cover

A Visit with President Uchtdorf

Styles W., age 8, Utah

Recently my mom took my two big brothers, my little sister, and me to our favorite restaurant. When we sat down we noticed that President Uchtdorf was sitting with his family at a table very close to ours. My family smiled, and we talked quietly about his special calling. After the Uchtdorfs finished eating, they walked to our table and visited with us. President Uchtdorf was so kind—I love his big smile. We told him that our daddy had been a missionary in Frankfurt, Germany, when President Uchtdorf was president of the Frankfurt Germany Stake. He said, “Well, then tell your daddy, ‘Guten Tag.’” I can’t wait to be a missionary and shout to the world that the Church is true. Who knows? Maybe I’ll go to Germany.
