Friends in the News
July 2010

“Friends in the News,” Friend, July 2010, 47

Friends in the News

Rebecca T., age 11, Hawaii, is one of five adopted children. She plays the violin and enjoys going to church. Rebecca loves cats, but she loves the Lord the most.

Bowen L., age 6, Utah, is a thoughtful boy. When his schoolteacher asked students to donate 50 cents to make a quilt for a girl in their class whose mother had passed away, Bowen worked extra hard doing chores and earned 70 cents. He also donated some of his money to the Church temple fund.

Beckam C., age 5, Virginia, likes spending time with his older brother and younger sister. He enjoys family home evening and family hugs after reading the scriptures at bedtime. Beckam likes trucks and wrestling.

Emma, Katie, and Eliza F., ages 9, 7, and 5, Utah, adore each other. They like dancing, singing, reading, and doing activities from the Friend. Emma likes writing stories and making creative birthday gifts for her relatives. Katie enjoys watering the garden, cooking, and taking care of her kitten. Eliza likes to smile and make her family laugh. She also enjoys playing in the sandbox.

Dillon M., age 8, Oregon, is excited to be a missionary someday. He likes collecting Book of Mormon figures, and he built a temple for them out of toy logs.

Westchester First Ward

The children in the Westchester First Ward, Inglewood California Stake, show their new scripture bags made by the activity day girls and leaders. The children look forward to taking their scriptures and Articles of Faith cards to church every Sunday.

Lethbridge Third Ward

The Primary children of the Lethbridge Third Ward, Alberta East Stake, were excited to meet Sister Margaret S. Lifferth. She taught them the song “Don’t Ever Forget to Pray” by President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008). The children are thankful they can pray to Heavenly Father. Sister Lifferth served as the first counselor in the Primary general presidency from 2005–2010.
