undefined undefined Say What?
Say What?
July 2010

“Say What?” Friend, July 2010, 17


Say What?

These words may not seem to make sense, but if you say them out loud, you will hear the titles of Primary songs. Write the actual titles below the nonsense words. The first one is done for you. Find the answers on page 48.

  1. Chill drain olive earth he whirled

    Children All Over the World

  2. Thick old in play its

  3. Eye loaf too seat that him pole

  4. Lad her day pro fits

  5. Chew see rye tray

  6. Eye hoe pithy calm he awn am is shun

  7. Fame lees kin beet to get her fore have her

  8. Low fizz poke in ear

  9. Eye off tank oh wall king

  10. Won say their walls as gnome an

  11. Calm wee theme heat who prime hair he

  12. Dew a sigh am due ink

  13. Script sure pow her

  14. Holed ink canned surround they whirled

  • 2) The Golden Plates, 3) I Love to See the Temple, 4) Latter-day Prophets, 5) Choose the Right Way, 6) I Hope They Call Me on a Mission, 7) Families Can Be Together Forever, 8) Love Is Spoken Here, 9) I Often Go Walking, 10) Once There Was a Snowman, 11) Come with Me to Primary, 12) Do As I’m Doing, 13) Scripture Power, 14) Holding Hands Around the World.

Illustration by Mark Robison