“No Matter Our Differences,” Friend, Oct. 2010, 22–23
Friend to Friend
No Matter Our Differences
From an interview with Elder Gregory A. Schwitzer of the Seventy; by Megan Withers Roxas

Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity (1 Timothy 4:12).
My father and his family were members of another church. But before I was born, my father joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His parents and the rest of their family remained active in their church, and our family was active in the LDS Church.
I learned about my cousins’ faith by seeing their Sunday activities and how they prayed, and watching them participate in a nativity scene at their church at Christmas. They never came to our Church, but they learned about what we believed by seeing how we kept the Sabbath day holy and had family home evening. I could see how the things that were taught in my home added to what was taught in their home. It strengthened my testimony of the restored gospel.
I learned about the goodness that can be found in people of different faiths. This helped me grow up with a better understanding of other people in the world.
When I returned home from my mission, my grandmother was dying of cancer. She wanted to know what would happen after this life, so I taught her the gospel. She didn’t join the Church, but I had faith that the testimony I shared with her about Heavenly Father’s love for her and about life after death would have an impact on her in the next life.
After she passed away, my family went to the temple for her. I know that because of the work we did for her in the temple, she and my grandfather can be together forever—and I can be with them! The differences that we had can be resolved by knowing the truth and having the gospel be a part of our lives.
Children, you might not think that you have an influence on your grandparents or family members who are not members of the Church. But you have more of an influence than you think. Love your family members. Never underestimate the power of always loving your family, no matter what their religion is.
Illustration by Dilleen Marsh