Listen, Listen
May 2011

“Listen, Listen,” Friend, May 2011, F10


Listen, Listen

Can you figure out these phrases from Primary songs? Here’s a hint: Sound them out. You might like to use this activity in a family home evening and sing the songs after you guess them. The number after each phrase shows the page number in the Children’s Songbook where that song can be found.

  1. Thutch appled orse (156)

  2. Eye off in go wok king (202)

  3. Thug old dimple eights (86)

  4. Wants their wuzzas know man (249)

  5. It saw tumtime (246)

  6. Eye bee leaf in bee in gon ist (149)

  7. Fam Lee—his story—eye yam doing it (94)

  8. Eye one derwin Heek um sagin (82)

  9. Moth third ear aisle of view sew (206)

  10. Win thuff am league it stew gether (194)

  11. Two bee a pie on ear (218)

Illustrations by Mark Robison
