Temple Blessings
May 2011

“Temple Blessings,” Friend, May 2011, 2–3

Come Listen to a Prophet’s Voice

Temple Blessings

From “Temple Blessings,” Ensign, Aug. 2010, 2.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I can still remember when my parents took our family to the newly erected Swiss Temple, the first in Europe, to become a forever family. I was 16 then and the youngest of four children. We knelt together at the altar to be sealed on earth by the power of the priesthood, with a wonderful promise that we could be sealed for eternity. I will never forget this magnificent moment.

As a boy I was quite impressed that we crossed country borders to be sealed as a family. To me it symbolizes the way temple work crosses worldly boundaries to bring eternal blessings to all the inhabitants of the earth. The temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are truly built for the benefit of all the world.

President George Q. Cannon once said, “Every foundation stone that is laid for a Temple, and every Temple completed … lessens the power of Satan on the earth, and increases the power of God and Godliness.”*

As the landscape of the world continues to become beautified with these sacred buildings consecrated to the Lord, it is my prayer that we will do our part in bringing heaven closer to earth by being worthy to hold a temple recommend and using it. As we do so, righteousness will surely increase not only in our lives and homes, but in our communities and throughout the world.

  • George Q. Cannon, in Millennial Star, Nov. 12, 1877, 743.

  • Inhabitants means people who live in a certain place.

Construction photograph by Jon Johnson, courtesy of the Eastern Arizona Courier; temple photo by John Luke; illustrations by Jared Beckstrand and Beth Whittaker

Can you believe there are 134 dedicated temples?

Temples are filling the earth!
