Bulletin Board
August 2011

“Bulletin Board,” Friend, August 2011, 12–13

Bulletin Board

Faith in God Challenge

A “Developing Talents” activity

Create a piece of art that you can display.

  • Decide if you want to draw, paint, sculpt, or build.

  • Choose your medium: wood, metal, fabric, paper, or other material.

  • Gather your materials.

  • Get creative!

  • Ask an adult for help if you need it.

  • Put your finished work where others will see it.

Web Survey Results

On a Friend website survey we asked whether you played a musical instrument. About 1,900 of you responded! If you play an instrument or not, working on a skill or talent is a great way to spend your time.





Missionary Moments

Even though you won’t serve a full-time mission until you are older, there are things you can do now to be a missionary. Here are some things children like you have done to share the gospel.

My friends and I take turns inviting a friend of ours to church. She really likes going to Primary. I thought it would be neat if my friend could be in the Primary sacrament meeting program. My mom talked with a counselor in the Primary presidency, and the presidency wrote a part for my friend. She worked hard to memorize her part, and her parents came to see her in the program. It was so neat to share this with her and see her family at church. Maybe one day I can go on a mission and share the gospel with lots of people.

Bailey S., age 10, Arizona

When my cousin came to my house to visit, I started talking about Jesus Christ and how He died for us. My cousin asked me if I could say a prayer with him because he didn’t know how to pray. I hope he accepts Jesus in his heart.

Carlos R., age 11, Arkansas

Journal Junction

This month, write about the place where you live. Is it a big city or a small town? Are you far away from other cities, or just a short distance? What do you like about living there? Write about something you would like to add to your town.

Illustrations by Brad Teare
