“Friends in the News,” Friend, August 2011, 47
Friends in the News
Odessa T., 10, Utah, likes to read. She always grabs the Friend the moment it comes into the house from the mailbox. She recently finished reading the Book of Mormon by herself for the first time. She already has started reading it a second time.
Cousins Josiah K., Yazandra P., Isabella G., Hyrum T., Sophia T., and Aarron T., 8, Utah and California, were all baptized the same year. They live in different places but were able to get together for a picture.
Manakovi F., 10, England, is the second of three siblings. She likes playing netball and doing art. Manakovi likes general conference and going with her family to visit the temple. She enjoys family home evening and reading scriptures. She likes the thought that the family that prays together stays together.
Davis W., 8, California, likes to play soccer and baseball. He also enjoys eating dinner with his family. He is a loving and protective brother to his little sister, Haley.
Lucy C., 3, Virginia, enjoys writing stories, playing the piano, spending time with her family, and helping take care of her baby brother. She likes going to church and sings along during the hymns, even when she doesn’t know all of the words. She also puts on magic shows and plays. She is a cheerful girl who makes people smile and laugh.
Parker A., 5, Nevada, loves when his dad comes home from work and tickles him. He enjoys playing with his twin sisters, Addie and Berklie. His favorite Primary songs are “I Love to See the Temple” and “Families Can Be Together Forever.” He is a great reader and a good helper to his mom—especially with cooking.
Emily S., 7, Maine, likes to play soccer, ride bikes, play with friends, do arts and crafts, and help her family. She tries to do her best each day to make good choices. She loves to read the scriptures.
Henderson Ward
The Valiant 9 class in the Henderson Ward, Longview Texas Stake, did a skit in Primary about Joseph Smith and the golden plates. They had been studying the restoration of the gospel and Joseph Smith. They spoke to the Primary about sharing the gospel with others. They also wrote letters of encouragement to two missionaries from their ward.
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