King Benjamin’s People Repent
June 2012

“King Benjamin’s People Repent,” Friend, June 2012, 14–15

Stories of Jesus

King Benjamin’s People Repent

From Mosiah 2:1; 4; 5; 6:1–3.

The families of Zarahemla were crowded around the tower where King Benjamin stood. The king had called them together to speak to them. He taught them about Jesus Christ. He told them they could not be saved unless they repented of their sins.

The men and women knew they had sinned. They fell to the ground in fear and cried out to God to forgive them. The Spirit of the Lord came upon them, and they were filled with joy and peace.

Then King Benjamin began to teach them again. He wanted to tell them more about the plan of salvation and the things that would bring them joy.

He told them to live peacefully and to not hurt one another. He taught the parents that they should care for their children and teach them to obey God’s laws. They should not let their children fight and quarrel but should teach them to love and serve each other. The people should share what they have with the poor, visit the sick, and help those who need help. King Benjamin explained that there are many ways to commit sin, so it is important that we be careful about what we think and do.

When he finished teaching, King Benjamin asked the people if they believed his words.

They all cried out that they did believe. They knew his words were true because the Spirit of the Lord had changed their hearts. They no longer wanted to do evil, but only good.

The people of Zarahemla wanted to make a covenant with God. They promised to be righteous and obedient all of their lives.

King Benjamin told them that because of this covenant they would be called the children of Christ. If they honored their covenants, they would be saved and have eternal life.

Before the people returned to their homes, the names were written down of each person who made a covenant with God. Every person there who was old enough took on the name of Christ and promised to do His will. King Benjamin called teachers and priests to help the people learn more about God and remember the promises they had made.

Baptism illustration by Phyllis Luch

Garden illustration by Rachel Hoffman-Bayles

King Benjamin’s People by Walter Rane
