Bulletin Board
September 2012

“Bulletin Board,” Friend, Sept. 2012, 12–13

Bulletin Board

Conference Time

Some families have traditions when it’s time for general conference. Ryan and Will G., ages 9 and 7, California, said, “During the Saturday sessions of general conference, we build a temple out of toy building blocks while we listen to the talks. Each year we build a new temple. Our mommy and daddy help us and tell us about going to the temple.”

Primary children in the Star Idaho and Meridian Idaho Paramount Stakes have these family conference traditions:

  • We write down scriptures from conference so we can study them as a family.

  • We have a family meeting after the last Sunday session.

  • Sometimes we go on a ride and listen to conference in the car.

  • We play conference bingo and other conference games.

  • We write down things we like about the different talks, and then we talk afterward about the talks or stories we liked.

Does your family have any conference traditions? Write and tell us about them. As you prepare for general conference next month, think about how you and your family can learn and grow from listening to the prophet and apostles.

Journal Junction

Each month this year you can write a little bit of your own history in your journal. This month write about your siblings. Do you have brothers or sisters or both? What are their names? How old are they? What do you like to do together? If you don’t have any brothers or sisters, you can write about other family members you are close to, such as cousins, uncles, or aunts.

Good Word

This month’s good word is ordinance. An ordinance is a sacred act performed by someone who holds the priesthood. Baptism, confirmation, the sacrament, and temple sealings are all ordinances that help us return to Heavenly Father. Find this word on page 17.

Conference Center photo by Ron Herman; illustration by Elise Black; sacrament tray photo by Matt Reier
