Missionary Friend
September 2012

“Missionary Friend,” Friend, Sept. 2012, 8–9

Missionary Friend

Invite all to come unto Christ (D&C 20:59).

Alex asked his friend Jake to play at his house on Saturday. They were having fun with race cars when Jake noticed a picture hanging on the wall.

“Who’s that?” he asked, pointing to the picture of Thomas S. Monson.

“That’s President Monson,” Alex said.

Jake didn’t say anything.

“You know, the prophet of our Church,” Alex said.

Jake looked embarrassed. “We don’t go to church anymore,” he said.

“Why did you stop going?” Alex asked.

Jake shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Do you want to come with me on Sunday?” Alex asked. “We could go to Primary together. My teacher is really great.”

Jake’s eyes brightened. “I’ll have to ask my mom, but I think she’ll let me go,” Jake said.

At lunchtime, Alex asked his mom, “Can Jake go to Primary with me tomorrow?”

“We have to check with Jake’s mother,” Mom said. “If she says yes, then of course he can go.”

Later that day, Jake’s mom came to pick him up.

“Can Jake go to Primary with me tomorrow?” Alex asked.

“Can I, Mom?” Jake said. “Alex says Primary is really great. They read stories, sing songs, and learn about people in the scriptures.”

“I don’t know,” Jake’s mom said, looking uncertain. “We haven’t been to church for a long time.”

“Please, Mom,” Jake said. “I want to go.”

“Jake is welcome to come with us,” Alex’s mom said.

“Are you sure you want to go?” Jake’s mom asked.

“I’m sure!” Jake said.

“Then I guess it’s OK,” Jake’s mom said.

Jake gave his mom a quick hug. “Thanks,” he said.

On Sunday morning, Alex’s family picked up Jake. He was dressed in his Sunday clothes. After sacrament meeting the boys went to Primary. When they got to class, their teacher said, “We’re so glad to have you here, Jake.”

After church, Alex’s family took Jake home.

“Thanks for taking me to church with you,” Jake said.

Alex’s mom smiled at him. “You’re welcome, Jake. We hope you’ll come with us again,” she said.

That evening at dinner, Alex asked, “Can I invite Jake to go to church with us next Sunday?”

Mom nodded. “I’m going to follow your example and invite his mother to go with us too,” she said.

“You’re a good missionary, Alex,” Dad said.

Alex was surprised. “I was just being a friend,” he said.

“That’s what a missionary is,” Mom said, “a friend.”

Illustration by Lance Fry
